ZAGO was established by our passion to implement enterprise solutions and technologies dealing with business & operational challenges and bring added value to organizations.
To achieve fast results, we combine tools from multiple content worlds:
• Data analysis using BI (Business Intelligence) tools
• Process analysis
• Organizational consulting
Our main goal is to optimize business performance and to improve results while maximizing your existing resources.
We use proven methodologies & technologies to bring about rapid results.
We provide experienced professionals that assist private and public companies to achieve their goals.
We only take on challenges where we have added value, otherwise it's a waste of our time and your money.
ZAGO is the exclusive distributor in Israel of "timestrip" Smart Indicators that measure time and temperature
We are looking to represent international companies looking to start operations in Israel and Israeli technological products in countries where we have added value.
Our areas of activity includes:
• Representation of international companies in Israel
• Business development of technologies
• Networking and connecting
• Improving business results
• Strategic and tactical planning
• BI (Business Intelligence) and advance Business Analytics
• Accompanying tenders - strategic, tactical and technical level
Menachem (Namik) Goren
Namik holds a BA in Economics and Computer.
Namik has over 30 years of high-tech experience, with extensive experience in business development and business development for local and international companies.
Namik specializes in information analysis and business intelligence and has experience in a wide range of organizations and companies.
Anat Zalma-Goren
Namik holds a BA in Economics and Computer.
Namik has over 30 years of high-tech experience, with extensive experience in business development and business development for local and international companies.
Namik specializes in information analysis and business intelligence and has experience in a wide range of organizations and companies.